I logged on to my account today, and got this message: http://gyazo.com/b0b7e2a90c3e3ffd9a6923a29d12bb61
I'm so pissed, I've played over 40 hours of DayZ.
Any way to fix this?

1 decade ago*

Have you traded it for keys, money, game keys, ...? If you traded it for items on the trade window, Steam Support can get your items back.

Also, just a friendly advice: buy DayZ yourself or, if you wanna take a shot, at least look for trustable traders, which sells it for ~15 keys. Anything lower than this, as the price is almost the same everywhere, there's a high chance that you are gonna be scammed or getting the game revoked after a while, as you had now...

Also, please, let us know who sold you the game.

1 decade ago

Hey, thanks for the quick response. I don't know. I've checked my steam trade history and all my trades are there except the one of dayz. And do you think "Yay, I love Pony!" was the person who's gift got stolen?

EDIT: I found him, I was an idiot and didn't look on my main account: http://gyazo.com/7ea1edf7ddd952dd9508c59841ee4768

1 decade ago

Using this nick, I've found only this person: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198093060887. Did you got it from this guy? If so, I'm sorry to say that, but that's a quite shady profile and you should have suspected, as the game is quite expensive to risk money on offers 'too good to be true'...

Also, what did you offered to him? The trade was done through trade window (ie: game for TF2 keys)?

1 decade ago

I found him, I'm an idiot and didn't look on my main account: http://gyazo.com/7ea1edf7ddd952dd9508c59841ee4768

1 decade ago

Can you link the profile here, please? As you can see here, that's not a so unique username on Steam...

1 decade ago

I just talked to the guy who traded me it, he said that he got it off another trader. His the profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198049752495/

1 decade ago

Maybe he can track this gift on his trade history as well, so you will be able to find who got this at first to report for fraudulent activities.

And, as you've traded all on trade window, follow the tips on this guide and create a ticket on Steam Support. If they reply with a stupid and generic copy/paste, send another until they get your items back. They can, but they will bitch a lot before giving something back to you, if you don't find someone in his good mood for this...

1 decade ago

Thank you! Doing this now.

1 decade ago

Talking to him now. He told me that he got DayZ from 2 different people.


The two peoples steam profiles:


1 decade ago

Clicky for the second and, as it seems, an abandoned profile... Well, not your fault, but he shoud have suspected if he bought from this people.

If he really bought more than one copy from them, others might have their games revoked at the same time as you. :S

1 decade ago

Yeah :P I just created a steam ticket

1 decade ago

you buyed a stolen DayZ, because it you need find a good seller, who buy with his steam wallet, like me and others.
you can send a message to Steam support, they can refund you, but they do it only 1 time in your life, if you get hacked and lost all yors itens you never more will be refunded. If you buy another stolen game steam won't refund you too.

post the profile from guy you have buyed it, to people take care with him, and support can ban him from steam trades.

1 decade ago

As Thame said, any DayZ below 14-15 keys will more than likely dissapear...

1 decade ago

I traded it for 12 keys + the witcher 2 gift but the guy who traded it got it for 5 keys....

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.