This is an automatic bot service, which help you easy swap your keys between CS:GO, TF2, or gems

➤Buy 1 my CSGO keys for 2 your TF2
➤Buy my 3 TF2 key for 2 your CSGO keys
➤1 my TF2 key - 5600 your gems
➤1 your TF2 key - 5500 my gems

Possible swaps:
CS:GO case keys to Mann Co TF2 crate keys
CS:GO case keys to gems

Mann Co TF2 crate keys to gems

Gems to TF2 Mann Co keys
Gems to CSGO keys

All you have to do - check the bot pricelist (in profile) and send him a correct trade offer

4 years ago*

Closed 3 years ago.