I'll take offers (excluding Team-Fortress or Dota 2 related items, or cards) But I would prefer the following.

Lord of the Rings War in the North

Also, if you offer two legitimate copies of a decent Co-op game, I'd be willing to give everything listed in the title for them. This applies to Warframe platinum as well.

1 decade ago*

Starvoid Steam Gift for Guardians of Middle-earth + DLC

1 decade ago

Is there anything else you would be willing to trade?

1 decade ago

yes 3x Cities in Motion 2 Cards + 3x The Showdown Effect Cards for it

1 decade ago

"(excluding Team-Fortress or Dota 2 related items, or cards)"

1 decade ago

Also, the first person to Offer Batman Arkham Origins Sniper V2 Minecraft Black Ops II or Tomb Raider will get all of the games.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.