I have a three dollar amazon gift card, looking to trade it for whatever. You can use on amazon.com for anything you want at any time you want, never expires.

I'm looking for whatever, any offer will be considered, I'm especially interested in Cards, games I don't own (check my profile and my linked profile under games), TF2 keys (I'd wager 1 or 2 would be a good price, I'd prefer 2 but would consider 1 with additional items to make up the additional cost)

Games which would get the code right out are as followed (I'd probably toss a little extra into the mix for any of the below. Maybe The current Humble bundle, Indie Gala Code masters BTA bundle, or even the Limited indie Gala bundle)

State of Decay - not likely but hey one can hope right?
Final Fantasy 8 - Much like the above, I see almost no chance, but what the hey Ok.
Garry's Incident (Not Garry's Mod) - Much more likely as it was on sale for 5 bucks during the sale... so :-D

You can offer me anything and I'll respond probably with in minutes if I'm lurking, if not just add me to your list and I'll accept next time I'm on.

1 decade ago*

Do you have just 1 $3 amazon giftcard. If that's the case I can offer the exceed trilogy to trade.

1 decade ago

no thank you,

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.