I have...

Cards (over 5000, according to steam)
(many different games, check my inventory)

I want...

keys (tf2, cs:go)

I want to trade my cards for keys, my large number of cards keeps crashing my inventory, and it's time to fix this, looking for bulk trades, but I can trade for individual keys

8 years ago*

added to talk

8 years ago


8 years ago


This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

offer, and you can pick the cards you want as well, but I do use steam inventory helper to check values

8 years ago

is paradise island this? http://store.steampowered.com/app/400250/

because if so, then I have every game on your list, in the future, use compare2steam

8 years ago

yes, it is. they changed the name

8 years ago

can i choose 50 or 60 cards for each key or you put the price?

8 years ago

yes to the first option, I will check the prices when I go to accept the trade, but yes, I will accept 50-60 cards per key

8 years ago

Added to discuss.

8 years ago


8 years ago

Any cards for Runestone Keeper steam-key and for Super win the game steam-key ?

8 years ago

depends on the price

8 years ago

Runestone keeper is 10€ on steam and Super win the game is $8 so how much cards would you give for those games ? I have multiple keys of them

8 years ago

Runestone keeper was in a $2.00 bundle yesterday apparently: https://isthereanydeal.com/specials/#/search:runestonekeeper

Super win the game was last in a $3.49 bundle with 10 other games, according to here: https://isthereanydeal.com/specials/#/search:superwingame
and is currently a dollar here: https://www.chrono.gg/itad
for the next 18 hrs from the time of this post

it looks like you're just buying keys off www.chrono.gg
which is fine, but don't try to act like you bought them at full price since you did mention you "have multiple keys of them"

considering this, I don't think you are going to be wiling to offer me a fair price and also, both of them games I don't value at either of those prices by that site, I I don't think this is a trade I would be interested in

8 years ago

Hi, Ive added you. I'm not sure if I have any games you don't own but its very likely with me having a few hundred spares. My lists can be found https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/a9iyW/h-300-steam-keys-w-5-10-cards-per-game-or-any-other-offer-you-have and they are very fair prices and if you were to want a collection I would probably do a small discount on top.

What are your prices on your cards in bulk? I saw an earlier post of 50-60 cards for 1 CS:GO/TF2 key? Is that roughly what it will be?

8 years ago


8 years ago

Afraid I don't have one as at first I didn't realize about the Compare2Steam site and thought that was the easiest way to do it

8 years ago

hmm, well, I didn't see anything I really want, if you're interested in my cards for keys, then we can talk

8 years ago

Well what roughly are you asking for them?

I see you have 1920 trading cards and 47 boosters valued at around £100 after fees. How many keys for the collection lets say?

8 years ago

are you asking about buying all my cards?

8 years ago

Yes, It may be something I might be interested in? Is there a certain amount of keys, Steam wallet codes you would trade it for or any AAA Titles that you swap them all for?

8 years ago

so i added you, and tried to talk to you, but you said nothing back, you came on, entered a game, left the game, and went off, wtf?

8 years ago

I was not at home and I wasn't actually in the game, Its just IdleMaster doing its thing.

You messaged me saying there are a couple games I am interested in, but I am thinking about waiting on them since they will go down in price over time and at the moment, I don't really value them at the prices they are being sold at

I was expecting you to follow up with the list of games you were interested in and I also don't value the games at the price they are being sold on the store

8 years ago

I have cs go chroma key , want to trade that for your 70 cards

8 years ago

added to discuss (70 is too high)

8 years ago

35 cards of my choise for 1 key?

7 years ago

sure, though I'll go through the cards before I accept the offer

7 years ago

so its a deal or not? it takes a lot of time to do trades with cards

7 years ago

I go by the average card value and I look at the total, also, it depends on the type of key you are trading with

7 years ago

Closed 5 months ago.