Heyho everyone.

Watch out. A scammer goes around here. He gives himself the same nicks as other people (with same avatar and the link to their profiles! I didn't looked at his steam account through steam itself again, my fault it seems!)

Here's the story:

I wanted to trade something against Legacy of Kain Collection and he added me as a friend. The deal was clear. I have to give him TDU2 (finally doesn't cost me anything) and he would send me the collection key then. But when I have done it, he deleted me from his contacts and I don't got the key.

So, here's the fake profile (who scammed me; I don't know how I can find him in steam)


And here is the REAL account (no scammer):


So please, watch out while you are trading with suchlike person. I learn from mistakes and will look at a account more than twice, untill I'll trade with him/her.

If you want proofs, you can add me through steam!

Too bad we can't do more against it. Hope someone will finally trade the collection with me, so I'll be happy enough ;)

Scammers are so lame kiddos. :rolleyes:

1 decade ago*

You're not the only person, which he scammed from my name. That's why I've created this topic

1 decade ago

I am very very sorry, I gave you first a negativ commentary... but then I saw, that the bastard was a scammer! I deleted it and will give you a positive commentary, if you want so.
Thanks for the topic!

1 decade ago

You should not give me positive rep, bcz we don't traded anything, just be carefully.

1 decade ago

I'll. But my first gift is gone. Sadly.
I learned a new lesson...

1 decade ago

I've learned this lesson 2 monthes ago, when my Torchlight 2 gift was scammed. I'm sure every trader had this lesson.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.