It's time for a birthday giveaway on Steamgifts, and I might do something a bit bigger than I used to.
I'm looking for any popular AAA non-bundled games, and I am willing to pay in TF2 keys.

Please be warned:
I am unsure if I will spend much or not. I'm only "browsing" for good offers. I might not even buy anything at all.
So just post a comment in this thread and we'll see.

Here's an example of the kind of games I am looking for:

The Witcher
Tomb Raider (2013)

These are ONLY examples. Any offer will be considered!
Thank you, have a nice day. :D

9 years ago*

you accept origin non bundle games ?

9 years ago

I probably wouldn't have, as I needed the games for Steamgifts giveaways. My birthday thread is now over also, but what's you offer? If it's good, I might take it for myself.

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.