I have...


I want...

Jet Racing Extreme

8 years ago*

I can help you purchase them, i can put something in steam market you buy it with store credit and i can buy and send you the dlcs as long as you pay 6.00$ in store credit (not including steam fees) + the price of that item, my store is ROW

e.g if i put a Tour of Duty Ticket for 8$ in market and you buy it, i`ll get in return 6.97$ from steam which is 6$ (4.95$ dlc price + 1.05$ i keep as profit ) + 0.97$ (tour of duty price)

PS you can sell that Tour of Duty Ticket later

if you agree and understand than add me

8 years ago*

added and thanks for the trade ;)

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.