Hey, i have the following items

Bad Rats: The Rats Revenge


King Arthur Key

Gotham City Imposters DLC

Command & Conquer Tiberium Alliances Beta Key

Booster Trooper Guest Pass (x6)

Nuclear Dawn Guest Pass

Super Monday Night Combat (x3)

TF2 Items (Just have a look at my backpack)

400 Spiral Knight Crowns

Money in my bank account (Paypal or steam wallet)

I will be considering all offers, But if you want to know what i would prefer take a look at my wishlist. I know some of the stuff on thier is well over the value of the items im offering but not all of it and as i said before i will be considering all offers not just games from my wishlist

If you want paypal you will have to wait 3 - 5 buisness days for me to give you the money as i have all my money in my bank account right now and it takes that long to put funds into my bank account. But if you want a game then i can add funds to my steam account instantaneously =)

For all codes and keys i will under almost all situations go first =)

http://steamcommunity.com/id/Nomburgerz/wishlist <-- My Wish List

http://steamcommunity.com/id/Nomburgerz <-- My Steam Account

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.