I have...

Killing Floor, Shadow Complex Remastered, Cthulhu Realms - Full Version, Starward Rogue, Rebel Galaxy, and many other humble bundle games.

I want...

Any offers you can make including paypal.

7 years ago*

Check my list for Dragon's Dogma, Vermintide, and I could use another copy of XCOM for a friend. What else do you have? I'm also looking for Hurtworld, Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, The Forest, Wasteland 2, Subnautica if you have any of those. I can do paypal as well if all fails, would prefer not

7 years ago

Any of these for Dragon's Dogma, Xcom 2 humble links ?
add me, if you're interested

7 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.