I have...

Trading cards, specifically full sets of Counter-Strike:Global Offensive (CS:GO)

I want...

Wishlist games
Any other game I don't have
CS:GO skins, cases, keys
Payday 2 cases

I'm looking to keep building my Steam game library, and hopefully help some people create some badges they've been hoping to craft. I've got a large number of trading cards available, including a full set of CS:GO cards many times over.

I'm most interested in acquiring games from my wishlist. That said, I'll listen to any offer. You can send me a trade offer here.

All trades will be reviewed individually; I don't have set "prices" in mind. If you want an offer, feel free to post and I'll let you know what I'm prepared to trade for what you've got.

8 years ago

What did you have in mind?

8 years ago

I would say one of your Castle Crashers gifts, but your thing says cards so I guess cards... Unless we are able to make a deal :o

8 years ago*

8 years ago

I'm interested in Double Dragon: Neon. Do you have specific cards you're looking for, or just a bunch of random ones?

8 years ago


8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.