Wishlist includes VVVVVV, Faster than Light, Gateways, Bastion...

1 decade ago*

BTA or non-BTA ?

1 decade ago

Non-BTA, though if I buy it before they add new BTA games you'll have the games they added.

1 decade ago

no, they are three different things: BTA, non-BTA and early buyer. i dont ask whether early buyer or not; im asking for BTA. one of them is $1 and other is more than $6.

good luck, you will really need.

1 decade ago

Yes, I am aware of what early buyer is and I pretty much explained it in my initial reply.
I also told you it was Non-Bta. If you wanted the BTA game you should've just seen that I hadn't beat the average and simply left this thread.

1 decade ago

Hello! Company of Heroes(key) for hiba4 gift url?

1 decade ago

No thanks :<

1 decade ago

why would someone give you $5 if the non-BTA bundle costs $1?

1 decade ago

It doesn't hurt to see if someone's got something on my wishlist and they can't buy themselves a Humble Bundle.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.