Paid for both and would like to make use of them, so therefore I will offer you:

Magicka key (€10)

Terraria key (€10)

In return for:

Worms: Revolution (€14)

So this is your chance to grab this sale!

It is possible however to offer me something else which I might like.

1 decade ago*

My Basement Collection for Terraria? Thanks! :)

1 decade ago

Thanks for the offer, but BC for Terraria solely is an offer I'd rather refuse now.
Worms: Revolution is an instant yes, but if you offer something else, it's got to be actually something :)

P.S. I have played 4 out of 7 Basement Collection games and they are totally sweet, you should keep them :)

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.