
I have a steam key for Rome II. I'd like to trade it to these games:

  • State of decay (steam)
  • Far Cry 3 (uplay)


  • 12 TF2 keys

I'm only looking for these games, so please do not ninja add me on steam and try to convince me with your bundle games or other little games. If you have some AAA games then maybe we can talk, but like I wrote before I'm looking for those 2 games first. Thank you and namaste!

1 decade ago*

I give u the 12 tf2 keys but u send first key to be sure it's a good key, ok? if u agree addme pls

1 decade ago

Sure... Smells like scammer sorry but that's bullshit I would not go first with you especially after this comment, and your inventory is empty (0 tf2 key).

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.