I traded this guy op phoenix pass in return he was supposed to give me 1st phoenix case he drops.
Edsoon AMD

He just deleted me and blocked.
I knew the guy for like 3 months so I trusted him and he made a fool out of me.
Unfortunately, since I thought the guy is a friend of mine, I didn't took screens, got only a trade history of me giving him phoenix pass and that little bit of chat:

00:32 - dabro90 | BUYING CASE 1,3,Bravo: mam nadzieje ze zdazysz wydropic zanium ceny spadna do poziomu na ktorym strace na tej wymianie (I hope you'll drop it before prices will fall so I won't lose on that trade)
15:38 - Edsoon ♥ AMD. is now Online.
15:38 - Edsoon ♥ AMD.: xd Też na to licze ;P w weekend biore się ostroooo (I also hope so ;P gonna play more on the weekend)
15:38 - Edsoon ♥ AMD.: ban sie kończy wiec mixy lecą ;d (ban is ending so gonna do mixes)
16:09 - Edsoon ♥ AMD. is now Away.
16:17 - Edsoon ♥ AMD. is now Offline.

Which is also in polish, so doesnt make much of a difference anyway.

Just a friendly reminder, 2€ is not much, but so You know - do not trust anyone.
Feel free to give him a nice steam report (for offensive avatar for instance) if You want.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.