I'm willing to use the coupon until 2nd Juanuary (less than 5 hours remaining)... after that the coupon will have the same value like the non-golden one. So i ask you, if you are not going to use it, gave it away to someone who will (like me :D). I've only got 2 more coupons which i'm givingaway (10% Bethesda, 50% DinoD-day). If I had some coals i would offered you, but i only got just one more and i'm keeping it to win the big prize Tommorow :lol:!

1 decade ago*

Bump! Less than 4 hours remained :(... Pretty please!

1 decade ago

I don't get it why do people prefer to keep the coupon until expires, instead of give it to someone who will actually use it. Jesus! Well, the "hope" dies last... 2:30 hours remaining.

1 decade ago

Looks like hope actually is the last one which dies! With 15 minutes remained until the ending of the offer, o great man gladly offered me the golden coupon. There is still hope in humanity!

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.