My prices are as followed, The first line is TF key prices and the extra cards. after > is the price in random cards. I also list mixed prices if you wanted to mix TF keys and cards. I also take games, both game keys, and gifts. You can check out my wishlist for relevant games and prices.

All of these below are BTA prices, which means you get everything the bundle has to offer in a gift link.

Jumbo Bundle = 3 TF keys

Code Masters = 4 TF Keys,

Gala Limited = 3 TF Keys,

Bundle stars bundles

The Outer Limits = 4 TF keys

Planes, Trains and = 4 TF keys

Ultimate Sci Fi = 3 TF keys

FPS Bundle = 3 TF keys

Blaze of Glory = 2 TF keys

Some game keys I'm looking for

Men of War: Vietnam, Neo Scavanger, Day One Garry's Incident,

If you offer me cards make sure they are atleast worth .10 + worth means after you sell them I'll get .10 c, which means about .12 cents on the market place. If you want to offer cheap cards, have the full set of cards, such as a full set of Gary's Mod, or CS:go, Brutal Legend, ETC. Also you can offer Steam summer sale cards, but they need to follow the same format, you much have the full set.

I'll count the full set as half the cards. I no longer accept Terreria cards as I've maxed out that set. Other cheap cards are fine, but I'll count those the same way, half of the set.

THIS ONLY HAPPENS FOR CARDS WHICH HAVE A VALUE UNDER .10c, any card above that value is fine.

If you want to get the best value pay in TF keys.

1 decade ago*

how many cards for cities in motion?

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.