Great game add me when u get it, free bump
I appreciate the bump :)
Dungeon defenders
how much?
You mean how much I am offering? ~7 USD
no sorry 7 to low, was on sale 12,49$ my region in summer sale ! :)
Really?? It was 75% off in the US/EU during the sale so 5 USD/Euro.
12,49$ my region.
OK, thats too much for me.
Still looking.
how much Paypal you want for it?
Im trying to buy, not sell :)
woops sorry just saw you want it not that you are selling it. my apologies. I'm used to seeing H and W than W and H.
NP :) I know Ive flipped it, but did it like this because my [H] won't get much attention.
Add me. I can give it for $7 Though buys at minimum $10 from