I just got scammed by him (I was trading FC3 blood dragon for BO2),he redeemed FC3 blood dragon and then went offline....He has two accounts,both named serious_hero with a superman image.
Avoid him at all costs.

1 decade ago*

yeah he tried to con me yesterday and i friended everyone who'd made offers on his threads and warned them he was a scammer, this place really needs better mechanics in place for this sort of thing though, instead of various abandoned bad trader threads.

1 decade ago

Also,do you know if someone called UglyPolio is a scammer?

1 decade ago

i've not had any dealings with them so i couldn't say. What i would say is, if someone you don't know adds you to their friend list, by all means add them (if people didn't add me yesterday he would have scammed a few more) but don't trade with them unless they can show you their steamtrades profile and it has lots of positive rep, and if an offer seems too good to be true (he wanted to trade Remember Me for Darksiders 2) then it usually is too good to be true!!

1 decade ago

thanks for the heads up. Bump.

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.