I have...

Rain Blood Chronicles: Mirage (4 copies left)


I want...

$0.99 USD Verified Paypal

I stocked up on these last year when the store price dropped to 99c.

At the time I thought it was a price error as the game never gets discounted on Steam and on the store page it just appeared as it's normal price rather than indicating any discount, but now I'm not too sure.

It stayed at 99c for 2 weeks so it was either intentional or the longest price error in history :P

Am selling elsewhere as well for the same price so available copies listed here may not be always up to date. Please check my inventory to be sure.

Paypal only

8 years ago*

I'll take five for giveaways. Thanks!

EDIT: Received, thanks.

8 years ago*

Closed 8 years ago.