I have...

Hi all! From the little experience I have accumulated on the famous steam platform, I know that many people decide to buy different games from steam store,using paypal account. Accumulating an important amount of money in my steam wallet, I decided to use that money for a charitable purpose that attracted my attention and trying to help with what I could do.
Returning to paypal for games, if anyone here wants to be helpful, I want to let you know that I CAN BUY WITH THAT MONEY AMOUNT LEFT IN MY STEAM WALLET, GAMES (I'll make my own discount if needed , only to be able to use them for the charitable purpose those remaining money).

As a summary of everything I said above, someone who wants to buy a certain game in the store can come to me, and I can personally buy that game for him (I repeat, I can make a discount of a few euros to that one the game I buy and the money will be transferred to a paypal account .

I was saying, you have nothing to lose, if you are going to buy a particular game from the steam store with the paypal account, you can even get a discount, and in this way you can help somebody who needs the most than Gaben would have.


4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago.