I have...

I have the Mewtwo dlc code for Super Smash bros 3DS (and only 3ds) and to my knowledge I assume it only works in north america.

I want...

I'm looking for around 5 dollars worth in games that more or less catch my interest or I'll also accept tf2 keys that'd be like 2 keys a tod and a card or two.
Some of games I'm looking for are
worms reloaded
pixel boy and the ever expanding dungeon
and wishlist if all else fails.

Enjoy your day.

9 years ago

I have multiple keys from the humble bundle origin 2 bundle
Mass effect 2 key x2
dragon age origins x2
dead space 2 x2

9 years ago

hmm, nah, no thank you

9 years ago

Retro City Rampageā„¢ DX on 3ds for it?

8 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.