I have...

PROJECT CARS and other Humble leftovers. Tradeable items: Bloodrayne titles, L4D, Shadowrun Returns, Outland, ALICE: Madness Returns

I want...

Chaos DLC for TW:Warhammer

PROJECT CARS from the last Humble Monthly. Can be delivered as a key directly, or a gift link, whichever you prefer.
It's value is ~6 euro on grey markets (without any regional and paypal fees), so given it' reliable source and the fact that I'm selling it here where you can identify me (so you aren't dealing with a faceless disappearing person), I think a 7,5 euro DLC as a price is a fair deal for both sides.

Due to burning myself about 3 times so far by willing to go first to build trust that was honored by people scamming me, I'm no longer going first.

Feel free to add me on steam, I rarely ever check this site. Profile is linked under my profile here.

Alternatively, you can buy me a paintjob pack for Elite: Dangerous for ~6 euro (doesn't apply to PROJECT CARS, but you can pay like this for even multiple other games combined to have similar value).

7 years ago*

Closed 7 years ago.