Selling the following items:
TF2 Keys for $1.75 USD each

Stock: 300
Sold: 500+

Stock: 13
Sold 20+

Add me directly, no need to post here.

I am verified on Paypal and I have lots of Reputation:,3925.0.html

My only rules are:

  1. You must have a steam account that is at least 6 months old
  2. MUST have a reasonable amount of games and hours
  3. You do not NEED to have rep but it is highly recommended
    4.You MUST NOT be marked on SteamRep for ANY reason whatsoever, I will not deal with you at all if you are marked as a scammer.

I reserve the right to not sell anything to you for any reason at all. Don't bother arguing with me.

Money must be sent in USD only, if not it will be refunded.

You MUST go first there is no exception whatsoever unless you have hundreds of rep.

When buying keys you must:

  1. You must pay all fees no matter what, if any.

  2. Payment MUST be sent to FAMILY AND FRIENDS

  3. Subject: Purchase of Virtual TF2 Goods via Steam Trade , with your SteamID64

  4. Notes: Require you to say the following.

" I,Your full name, Your steamID32" , am using this money to be sent to "My Name, My steamID32" for virtual items in Team Fortress 2, and because of its nature, no items were physically shipped, but have been confirmed and received. I will not dispute or chargeback this transaction. "

If any of the information above is incorrect, the payment will be refunded.

Thanks :)

1 decade ago*

Added you.

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.