I have 3x 50% Valve Discount; 4x 25% Valve Discount; 1x -50% Serious SamHD First Encounter; 1x 50% Dwarfs?!; -50% Tales of Monkey Island; 1x 50% Machinarium; 1x 50% Anormaly: Warzone Earth; 1x Worms Crazy Golf; 1x Sam and Max Complete Pack

And 1x Magicka and 1x Half Live 2 Lost Coast and Episode 2

Make your offer, but im lokking for Dota 2

Edit: http://steamcommunity.com/id/BSkin/

1 decade ago*


1 decade ago

I wouldn't take those coupons if they were free, so bear that in mind when trying to trade them ^^

1 decade ago

I know but i can try xD
Maybe someone need a valve coupon to by cs 1.6 ahha
And im not a farmer so i dont have a lot for trade XD

1 decade ago

more coupons added XD

1 decade ago

Dude I've got E.Y.E... Is your Magicka the Collection? Or just the base game? My profile link (or actually my inventory):


1 decade ago

bump. now i only want dota2 key gift, its the only thing that i want
and i have hl ep2 plus an hl2

1 decade ago

Lol you wont get it for those games. Just sayin'

1 decade ago

it worth trying... i really want dota2

1 decade ago

and i have a 33%coupon for bethesda for games like skyrim and 40% on the witcher2

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.