I am selling copies for AC:U with working Pre-Order Unite codes in the EU region.
The price for a single copy is 41 EUR + fee ( 1.74 EUR ).
The keys are for uPlay only, not Steam.

I have a verified Paypal account and I only accept payments from people with verified accounts too. I will discuss other details in private after you leave a reply here.

Your payment should look something like this.

Please ask anything you need to know prior to making a payment as I will be not taking refunds.

Timeline and deadlines:

Now - 1st of November -> Accepting payments
In 4-5 working days after your purchase I will be sending the Pre-Order Unite code that you can use on the official website.
*Please keep in mind that these do not work for the Spin To Win minigame as that is US only.
Game keys will be provided as closely as possible to the EU release date ( 13th of November ), with a maximum of 2 days after release, in case anything happens.

If any important information everyone needs is missing from this post, I will update it accordingly.
Please reply here before sending any kind of friend invite.

Steam Rep

9 years ago*

Closed 9 years ago.