I have...

I just have that, a summer sale badge, i know is almost nothing.

I want...

Portal 2.

i must have portal bundle and i don't have almost money, so if you're some of the rare persons on internet who are actually super mega nicely good and you give me portal 2, i just probably have no words to describe how happy i can be with that.

Portal 2, is my favorite game but i have no money, the reason for me to do this is because Portal 2 is only 3.74 USD, just that, no more no less, here a lot of people with no money, so i did not spect to get what i want, but if is posible in any way to get this awesome game, that what i want.

Im internet i meet a lot of bad people, like in real life, but actually, theres good people two, i know it, in every hearth is at least one little point of love, exept in Hitlers hearth, that was a bad person, im pretty sure.

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.