I want to report this guy:

I saw his post on facebook, it looked like a scam, so I added him, once I told him he was scamming he went Private Profile and removed the facebook post...

Look I have the chat:

Unbenannte: yes?

Heisenberg: Im the one with borderlands

Heisenberg: If you are interested

Unbenannte: uh hey

Unbenannte: yeah

Heisenberg: Ok

Heisenberg: First

Heisenberg: What do you have?

Unbenannte: a StatTrak Sirka

Unbenannte: Minimal Wear

Unbenannte: 15 dollars

Heisenberg: what weapon

Heisenberg: ?

Unbenannte: Ma41

Heisenberg: Cuz i dont know the skin

Heisenberg: Ohh

Unbenannte: Its an Ma41 StatTrak Sirka

Heisenberg: Yes yes

Heisenberg: i found it

Heisenberg: I cant see it in your inventory

Unbenannte: its on market xD

Heisenberg: Aham

Unbenannte: look

Heisenberg: Found it :))

Unbenannte: http://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29

Unbenannte: xd

Heisenberg: Ok

Heisenberg: Let me think for a minute

Unbenannte: k

Heisenberg: Hmm

Heisenberg: The zirka and one of your backgrounds

Heisenberg: Cuz you have a lot of them :))

Unbenannte: yeah xd

Heisenberg: Its ok?

Unbenannte: yeah

Heisenberg: How do we do it?

Unbenannte: steamtrades.com?

Unbenannte: do you have?

Heisenberg: I can make one

Unbenannte: No I mean to see if you had rep, look at mine: http://www.steamtrades.com/user/Unbenannte

Unbenannte: Also + 18 rep pages in profile

Heisenberg: Saw that

Heisenberg: I have just 2 reps

Heisenberg: I dont make many trades...

Unbenannte: yep

Unbenannte: So code must go first

Unbenannte: I have lots of rep

Unbenannte: never scammed nobody

Unbenannte: And you trust me

Heisenberg: Maybe youll sam now

Heisenberg: scam*

Unbenannte: hah no man

Unbenannte: This is how trading goes

Unbenannte: its a good offer man

Unbenannte: Let me take the gun out of the market

Heisenberg: Yes, but the borderlands is more expensive and i cannot risk if someone wants to scam me

Unbenannte: you have no rep man

Heisenberg: Ive done this with someone else with another code..... he offered me a trade and when i received it i gave the code to him via message

Unbenannte: Yes but I am not another guy

Unbenannte: I have donde this before

Unbenannte: its the only way

Unbenannte: I have +100 rep (profile + steamtrades)

Unbenannte: want it or not?

Heisenberg: I want it....

Unbenannte: kk

Heisenberg: Lets do like this

Heisenberg: We prepare the trade

Unbenannte: aha

Heisenberg: Then whend its prepared i give you the code and you accept the trade

Heisenberg: Its that ok?

Unbenannte: Yeah but I will take like 2 mins to check the code is good

Unbenannte: before clicking accept

Heisenberg: Wait wait

Heisenberg: You want to use it? [HAHAHA YES I WANT TO USE IT ¬¬]

Unbenannte: yes

Unbenannte: what else do I want it for...

Heisenberg: i thought you will accept then use it [Here is when you know its a SCAM]

Unbenannte: You know what

Unbenannte: I am going to report you right now

Unbenannte: have a nice day

Heisenberg: What

Heisenberg: No

Heisenberg: Please

Heisenberg: Why?

Heisenberg is now Offline.


You can see in the end he wants me to accept the trade first, and then check the code... that would be stupid... aslo a 15 dollat gun + a background... sure man.

He came back to my profile comments and gave me -rep... for scamming, he also made a friend do it (i removed both), then he posted this:

Heisenberg 6 minutes ago
I dont want to ban you....

Heisenberg 5 minutes ago
And you cant see the facebook post because i blocked you on facebook... (LIES he removed it)

Heisenberg 3 minutes ago
Sorry for the inconviniant that my little brother made. Please delete the comments and please dont report because its my brother and you know..... Sorry for all! (AHAHAHAHAHAHAH sure)

Then he removed all the comments... (lame)

Pic of the comments (yep I took it): http://imgur.com/XZUp3Jp


Is this enough to file a report and get him some kind of fault? He does not have www.steamtrades.com and I don't know how to use www.steamrep.com

Thnx for reading.

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.