We was meant to do a trade for a Origin key for a Steam game and I went first and gave the key, he said that the key didn't work and then blocked me. He had the cheek to unlock me and ask if I had other keys. The keys I get are trusted and know it was fine.

He has some positive rep but I don't understand why he suddenly turned and blocked me, kind of gives him a negative look.

Don't have the other chat but this is from today:

14:58 - houssem: hi
14:58 - houssem: in keys ??
14:59 - Zema: What
14:59 - houssem: origin keys??
14:59 - Zema: What about it?
14:59 - houssem: you have
14:59 - houssem: ??
15:00 - houssem: nfs the run or fifa 12 or 11
15:00 - Zema: you taking the piss?
15:00 - houssem: yes
15:01 - Zema: enjoy your account while it lasts

1 decade ago*

Closed 1 decade ago.