I have...

50 dollars in paypal

I want...

minimum 25 non vanilla csgo keys

There seems to be a dollar fee when I send the money via PPFF but that's on me. You should get a notification about getting 51 dollars but you should get 50 dollars.
Add me

6 years ago*

You do need help but I don't have the license for it so I won't offer it anymore. I am sorry for trying to help you.

6 years ago

What the fuck is this idiot trying to say? You don't need a license to help others, just don't go barging in and say 'you did something wrong' and then call the person a dick when he unfriends you. Next time you want to help someone, try saying along the lines of 'hey, I'm trying to help you' before criticising the person

6 years ago*

I can sell you 6 keys

6 years ago

I can sell you 12 keys

6 years ago

Got some keys to sell! Looking to get rid of 11, but I could do more. Have about 20.

6 years ago

Sorry, I'm looking to get 25 at once. Paypal charges me a dollar for each deal so I need to do as little transactions as possible

6 years ago

I have exactly 25. I'll sell them all if we can do it asap.

6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.