Hello. Interested in King's Bountry: Platinum Edition or Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm?
I am not interested in multiplayer games right now, and as for King's Bounty, I have played it already, but don't have it on Steam, which is why it is low priority. So, depends on what you want for it...
Sorry, not interested in King's Bounty enough to trade a new-to-bundle game. Let me know if you can find something cheaper from my list. Thanks anyway.
Hi, my Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year edition for your Overfall and Rime ?
Hi, as I have mentioned, I would not mind trading two games for it, but both the games you chose are the ones I want to keep from that bundle, and both are new to bundle games, whereas Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor has been available for cheap several times before. I would request you to chose two other games, otherwise I can only consider giving Overfall for it. Also, let me know if you happen to have anything else from my list and want to add to the deal. Thanks.
Hi, something here for Remothered?
Hello, I don't have RiME anymore. Updated the list. From your list, I could only find The Walking Dead and Old Man's Journey interesting, but they are not on my wishlist. We can discuss on Steam if you want. Thanks.
I can't think of a reason why deleting the comments was necessary... you must be very paranoid. Good riddance.
Disciples: Liberation
Silver Chains
Epic Chef
STAR WARS - Knights of the Old Republic
Whats your price for all these
Hello, I'm only interested in Disciples: Liberation, but not very sure looking at its recent reviews.
I don't have a price in terms of money or TF2/CS:GO keys, but you can offer a trade if you are interested in any of the games I have.
Sorry, only looking to expand my Steam library. Not interested in gems or money. Nothing there from your list. Thanks anyway.
I don't have that game anymore. And I am only looking for games, not gems. Thanks anyway.
anyhere for Seasons After Fall and The Sexy Brutale ?
There are many I have on my list, but the thing is that I wanted to keep The Sexy Brutale, but have it here on my trade list because of backlog. You have Pillars of Eternity which is higher on my list, so I can only give The Sexy Brutale for it. For the other one, we can discuss. Added on Steam.
No problem, I can understand. However, it is worth more to me as I would like to play it when backlog allows. If you want to do a trade for Seasons After Fall, let me know. Thanks anyway.
Do you want to trade Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands for Gremlins, Inc.?
You have Domina, which is low priority for me, and Kingdom: New Lands, which is even a bit lower. Can you add something cheap to the deal, like Daily Chthonicle: Editor's Edition or Doodle Mafia or Emily is away too or Rusty Lake: Roots? You can add me if you want to discuss.
Sorry, i m not sure to get what you are saying.
Are you asking for those 3 games for Tower 57, or one of those?
Not at all, three would be ridiculous. But I'm saying that trading it for one low priority game like Domina does not seem like a good deal for me, so I can take it if you can add one cheap game to the mix from the many I mentioned. Thanks.
Thanks for your offer, but I have already got some of the low priority games you have from my list. There are a few games that are not on my wishlist but I can consider, however, it will depend on what you consider equal value.
I am interested in checking out these games: Crazy Machines 3, Bridge Constructor Playground (wanted Poly Bridge actually), Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!!, Old Man's Journey, Last Day of June. I have already played Lara Croft GO on mobile, so not a priority. You can let me know if you find a good deal, but I was rather looking for games from my wishlist, so not too sure about the trade.
What about :
One of Cook, Serve, Delicious 2 / Old man's journey / Last day of June
AND One of Crazy Machines 3 / Bridge Constructor Playground / Lara Croft GO
for Bombshell ?
Halcyon 6: Lightspeed Edition, which I can add.
The problem is what you have is all bundled games while on your wishlist, it's mostly unbundled ones.
Most of the top priority games are non-bundled, which is why I can offer more than one game. But there are several bundled games that are normal priority for me. I can take Halcyon 6: Lightspeed Edition for The Lion's Song: Season Pass. Sent invite.
Thanks for your offer, but I've already played Crowntakers on mobile, so it is not a high priority game and would not want to trade a game I might play later. Thanks for understanding.
Just before you posted your offer, I offered the same game to someone else for a trade. I'll let you know as soon as I get a response. Thanks for the offer, I don't have any problem with the deal otherwise.
Hi, sorry, the other person accepted my offer, so I no longer have the game. Let me know if anything else interests you. Thanks again for your offer.
I am mostly interested in Poly Bridge, but 1:1 with Heart&Slash doesn't seem right. Do you want any more games from my list? In that case I have a few in mind from your list. Thanks for the offer.
Sorry, I've been through your list twice. I couldn't find anything I want.
Maybe something else?
Thank you for your time.
Hello, there are games on you list that I am interested in, but they are either pricier or cheaper for Heart&Slash, which is new-to-bundle. The cheap ones include Domina, Max Payne, Orwell: Ignorance is Strength, Poly Bridge and Table Top Racing: World Tour, while pricier ones include Styx: Shards of Darkness, METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN, Wasteland 2 Director's Cut. I would have taken After Dark DLC, but it is not a separate key I think, so won't be a good deal for you. Now that you know what games I want, let me know if you find a deal. Thanks.
Since it's still in a bundle, I'm willing to trade it for any of these:
Max Payne,
Table Top Racing: World Tour
I can do 2:2 if you can add Seasons After Fall.
Add me if you agree to any.
Than you.
Poly Bridge was on top of my list, and it is valued more than Max Payne and Table Top Racing: World Tour combined. All the games are bundled, but bundles have tiers. None of the games you want are from 1 dollar bundles and both are priced $15 on Steam, whereas all the cheap games I listed are $10 each on Steam and some of them have been available in 1-2 dollar bundles. I can do Seasons After Fall for Poly Bridge if you agree, but otherwise I'll pass, sorry. I have got more games recently than I have time to play, so not in a hurry really to get any of those games. Thanks for your time, and sorry again.
The Free Ones
The Invisible Hours
Rise of Insanity
Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition
toybox turboe
poly bridge
Hello, thanks for your offer. The only problem is that I wanted to keep The Invisible Hours, which means I'll only trade it for high-priority games or for two wishlisted ones. I checked your list and could not find anything high-priority for me, but I can do it if you can add Besiege or Mini Metro to the deal. Feel free to add me if you want to discuss. Thanks again.
Anything reasonable for one or various:
Codex of Vitory
March of the Living
Four Sided Fantasy
Rise of Insanity
March of the Living
Hello, thanks for your offer, but unfortunately I didn't find anything I need now. I am slightly interested in METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN, but it a high priority game for you, so I don't think it would be a good deal for you.
Hello, thanks for your offer. I could only find Hitman, but it is worth far more than The Free Ones. Maybe another time?
Edit: Don't have The Free Ones anymore.
[W] Dead Secret, Four Sided Fantasy, Comedy Night. Something here you're interested in: ?
Sorry, I already got the two I liked from your list: Poly Bridge and Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition. Thanks for the offer anyways.
Hello, thanks for the offer. I don't think I'll be able to play it now, can you do it for American Truck Simulator? Added on Steam to discuss.
But i don't want to trade American Truck Simulator for this game, maybe next time, sorry
Sorry to hear that, but it is not on my wishlist anyways. Checked your list twice and could not find anything else I might want to play soon. By the way, if you want anything else from my list and can do 2:2 for American Truck Simulator and Lara Croft GO, let me know. Thanks again.
Edit: Ignore. Don't have it anymore.
Hi, i'm interested in FORCED SHOWDOWN, check my topic if you find something we could deal with, if not tell me price in CSGO keys:
Hello, thanks for your offer. I don't trade for keys, but you have Mount & Blade: Warband from my wishlist. It would be better if you can add Mount and Blade With Fire & Sword as both are older games. Let me know what you think. You can add me to discuss.
Hey, I compared prices at and atm both of them have the same value, so the most fair offer would be 1:1 Mount & Blade: Warband : FORCED SHOWDOWN I add you so we can discus and see if we can add something from your list for Fire & Sword.
What you compared is the price of the two games on Steam. However, Mount & Blade: Warband is a much older game, and if you check here ( you will see that it has been available in bundles a few times and is currently available for $3.49 at GreenManGaming along with Mount & Blade and Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword. In contrast, FORCED SHOWDOWN has only been available in bundle once, in top tier, costing $9.99. Anyways, we can talk if you have other games in mind too. Added.
Something here for Simcity 4?
Hello, I looked closely, but couldn't find anything I'm currently interested in... Sorry, and thanks anyways.
Sorry, could not find something I'm interested in at the moment. Thanks anyways.
Anything for King of Fighters?
Hello, thanks for your offer. I can do it for Project Highrise. Feel free to add me if you are OK with the deal.
I will pass for Project High-rise as I believe this is a higher value game in bundle terms. Was there anything else of interest for you?
No worries, should have more games tomorrow from humble monthly. Message me if you are interested in anything.
OK, I'll know if I'm interested in something from it, and will let you know for sure. Thanks again.
Sorry, nothing for me in the new unlocks.
Edit: I mean Seven: The Days Long Gone is costlier than Project Highrise, but in case you are interested in something else from my list, let me know. Thanks.
I will let you know, still on the fence whether to trade Seven or not. Unfortunately there is nothing else i need from your list.
Let me relieve you off the burden, I got Seven from another trade. :)
But let me know if you rethink about Project Highrise... For King of Fighters it should be a better deal anyways. Thanks.
I don't have Soma, but if you mean Sora, then not really interested in trading two games for Project Highrise. It is not on my wishlist anyways, but would like to check it out when I get the time. Too much backlog, even more with all the recent trades. :)
I know the feeling. One day we shall trade as you seem like a good person! Bye for now.
Thanks. When looking for new games, I tend to look at those people's pages with whom I previously traded/talked, so we'll surely trade in the future. Also, I'm waiting for the winter sales now, so will reconsider the deal once it is over. Have a great time.
Hello, thanks for your offer, but if you mean Dungeon Rushers, I already have it from previous bundle, but didn't activate it yet as I won't be able to play it now. You have another game from my wishlist, Domina. Are you OK with trading it?
Hello, your "STAR WARS Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords" for my "Immortal Redneck" or "Purrfect Date - Visual Novel/Dating Simulator"?
Hello, thanks for the offers, but I already have Figment and not interested in the other two. I looked at your trade page and could only find HITMAN™: THE COMPLETE FIRST SEASON and METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES interesting. But I'm not sure I want either right now. Will all the three games be a good deal for Hitman? Or maybe I'll let you know later when I want those?
Let me know what you need for Hitman, then I can tell you if I can do that. One of the games is in talks for another trade also. But then again, if the price is too high, I'll skip for now, as I don't really need it immediately. Thanks anyways.
Hello, thanks for your offer, but I don't have Civilization V and I've already got Seven: The Days Long Gone.
Hi Sjkr8,
Would you be interested in trading Soulblight for Drakensang?
Feel free to make suggestions, thank mate.
Hello, thanks for the offer, but not really that much interested in Drakensang at the moment. I would have suggested something else, but you don't have a list of games. Another time maybe?
No worries mate, thanks for your reply. I will try to create my list page one day :)
Hello, thanks for the offer. Are you sure you want that game? I noticed the game on your 'have' list. Anyways, in case you do want it, I have not yet got the time to finish the original Orwell, so looked at you list for other games I might be interested in, and I like Tracks - The Train Set Game. So let me know if you can find a deal it. Thanks again.
Hi, yep I still want Heart&Slash. I would like another copy for a friend. Tracks the train set game is currently worth 3x more on the usual comparison sites so that's a no go unfortunately. Anything else on my list at all interest you?
I know Heart&Slash is cheaper, which is why I asked you to see if you are interested in something else from my list as well. In case you can't find anything else, I can take another look at your list. Thanks.
In case you don't find anything else, I'm interested in Epistory - Typing Chronicles. However, it would be better if you can find a deal for Tracks - The Train Set Game. Thanks.
Hi, nothing else interests me sorry. I've bought most fanatical bundles I'm interested in. I'll do Epistory and Orwell Ignorance is Strength for Heart&Slash?
I asked only for one, Epistory will do if you can't find something for Tracks. I still have to finish Orwell. :) Added on Steam.
Edit: Also, didn't realize that they doubled the price of Tracks a few months ago.
I'm interested in Action Henk.. Anything here of interest to you?
Hello, thanks for the offer. I already have most of the games there. I would have liked After Dark DLC, but it is not a separate key if I'm correct. Another game I'm interest in is Mad Max, but it is valued more than Action Henk. So, it is up to you if you would like to trade either of the two for it.
Yeah you're right, After Dark's on the same key as the base game unfortunately. How about Action Henk and either The Norwood Suite or Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location for Mad Max?
I can do Action Henk + Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location for Mad Max. Added on Steam.
Hello! Something from here for Seasons After Fall?
I am only looking for games to expand my Steam library and DON'T want to trade for g-e-m-s, c-a-r-d-s, C-S:G-O/T-F-2 keys or m-o-n-e-y. Some games are here because of backlog, sorry if I can't agree to a trade. I already have more games than I can ever play; mostly looking for high priority bundled games.
Tier 1
Absence of Light
Ancestors Legacy
Angels Cove
Bionic Commando Rearmed
Command Heroes
Pool Party
Railway Empire
Roots of Yggdrasil (may keep)
Smells Like a Mushroom
Solstice Chronicles: MIA
Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation (may keep)
The Battle of Polytopia + 4 DLCs
The Dead Await (will probably keep)
This War of Mine Complete Edition
War Mongrels
Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector (may keep)
X-Morph: Defense
Tier 0
11-11 Memories Retold
16bit Trader
1954 Alcatraz
Aegis Defenders
Age of Wonders III
Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation
Beat Cop
Bomb The Monsters!
Bomber Crew
Broken Age
Canyon Capers
Chicken Shoot Gold
Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods
Cultures - 8th Wonder of the World
Dead Ground
DISTRAINT: Deluxe Edition
Dream Pinball 3D
DIG - Deep in Galaxies
Earth 2140
Earth 2160
Enclave (Gold)
Endless Space - Collection
Fated Souls 3
Flame in the Flood
Forced: Slightly Better Edition *(old key, would go first)
Guns of Icarus Online
Heli Heroes
Hellstuck: Rage With Your Friends
Jack Orlando: Director's Cut
Jagged Alliance 2 - Wildfire
Journey of a Roach
Kingdom Wars 2: Definitive Edition
Kingdom Wars 4
Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West
LEAVES - The Return
Manual Samuel
Medieval Kingdom Wars
Millennium - A New Hope
Moss Destruction
Oddworld: Abe´s Oddysee
Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You
Paradox Soul
Pirates of Black Cove Gold
Plunder Panic
Portal Dogs
Randal's Monday
Red Bow
Scribble It! Premium Edition
Snake Pass
Space Machine 1993
Space Pilgrim Academy: Year 2
Sparkle 2 Evo
Sparkle 3 Genesis
Syberia II
The Culling Of The Cows
The Last Saviour
The Red Solstice
Two Worlds Epic Edition
Ultimate Zombie Defense
World War III: Black Gold
Yars: Recharged
Arena Breakout: Infinite Starter Pack
Astonishing Baseball Manager God Mode DLC
Black Desert Online Kuku Pet
Black Desert Online Traveler Edition
Dead by Daylight 100k Bloodpoints
Dead by Daylight 50k Bloodpoints
Deceptus Map Pack + Bonus Items
Die by the Blade Alienware Celestial Sword
EVERSPACE 2 Alienware Decal DLC
Friday the 13th Killer Puzzle Super Slasher Skin Pack (Retro Jason, Part 3 Jason, Flaming Jason)
Golf With Your Friends Critical Hit DLC
Guild Wars 2 Black Lion Salvage Kit
Homeworld 3 Alienware Emblem
Hunt: Showdown 1896 - The Kid DLC
Jewel Run Premium DLC
Magic: The Gathering Arena Dinosaur Deck Key
Magic: The Gathering Arena Teysa Deck Sleeve Key
Medieval Kingdom Wars Royal Blood DLC
Mining Mechs - Magnetic Mystery DLC
My Time at Sandrock Alienware T-Shirt
Neverwinter Xaryxian Aristrocrat's Drapery Cape
Pinball FX3 Carnivals and Legends DLC
Star Trek Online Borg Assimilated Plasma Weapon Bundle
Star Trek Online: Both Worlds Adaptive Evolution Bundle
The Elder Scrolls Online Grand Gold Coast Experience Scroll
THRONE AND LIBERTY Leveling Log Pass Key
World of Warships 9th Anniversary Pack
XERA: Survival Season 7 Premium Pass
Crime Boss: Rockay City (Epic)
Demolition Company Gold Edition (Giants Shop)
Deponia [GoG]
Guild Wars 2 Black Lion Salvage Kit
The Whispered World Special Edition (GOG)
The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav (GOG)
Wishlisted Games (not all games on my wishlist are a priority; some I have played already but don't have on steam)
High Priority (Top wishlist, willing to trade for more games):
Across the Obelisk
Against the Storm (SEA key if region-locked)
Baldur's Gate 3
Kingdom Come: Deliverance II
Kingdoms Reborn
Last Train Home
Manor Lords
Noble Fates
Norland: Story Generating Strategy
Prison Architect 2
Project Hospital Collection
Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew
Sumerian Six
Tarnished Blood
The Black Grimoire: Cursebreaker
The Bloodline
Travellers Rest
Vagrus - The Riven Realms
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
Normal Priority (will play when backlog allows):
63 Days
A Hero's Rest
A Little to the Left
Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition
Age of Wonders 4
Airborne Kingdom
Aquarium Designer
Ash of Gods: The Way
Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles
Backpack Battles
Backpack Hero
Book of Aliens
Chambers of Devious Design
Circus Electrique
Cities: Skylines II
City Bus Manager
Cloud Gardens
Coral Island
Creeper World 4
Cross Blitz
Dawn of Man
Death Roads: Tournament
Deck of Ashes
Despot's Game: Dystopian Army Builder
Dice Tribes: Ambitions
Dicey Dungeons
Drop Duchy
Dustgrave: A Sandbox RPG
Dustland Delivery
Farm Folks
Farthest Frontier
Fights in Tight Spaces
Flint: Treasure of Oblivion
For The King II
Gears Tactics
Gladiator Guild Manager
Hand of Fate 2
Hard West 2 / II
House Flipper 2
Infection Free Zone
Inn Tycoon
Into the Breach
Kingdom Rush Origins - Tower Defense
Knock on the Coffin Lid
Let's Build a Zoo
Library Of Ruina
Lobotomy Corporation | Monster Management Simulation
Mark of the Ninja: Remastered
Monster Sanctuary
Mortal Glory
Mortal Glory 2
Motor Town: Behind The Wheel
Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord
My Time at Sandrock
Our Adventurer Guild
Oxygen Not Included
Phoenix Point
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Standard Edition
Prehistoric Kingdom
Project Zomboid
Rail Route
Reus 2
Rogue Waters
Shadows of Doubt
Star Renegades
SteamWorld Build
Stolen Realm
Stories from the Outbreak
Stranded: Alien Dawn
Strange Horticulture
Tainted Grail: Conquest
Terminus: Zombie Survivors
The Curious Expedition
The Curious Expedition 2
The Ouroboros King
The Tenants
The Universim
These Doomed Isles
Tiny Atolls
Train Yard Builder
Transport Fever
Trials of Fire
TROUBLESHOOTER: Abandoned Children
Vault of the Void
Winter Falling: Battle Tactics
Low Priority (Have played/own elsewhere/primarily for my Steam collection):
Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition
Bio Inc. Redemption
City of Gangsters
Cossacks 3
Crossroads Inn
Dice Legacy
Divinity: Dragon Commander
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption
Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning
Legend of Grimrock
Life Goes On: Done to Death
Medieval Dynasty
Reigns / Reigns: Her Majesty / Reigns: Game of Thrones
Rise to Ruins
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition
Tropico 6
Cities: Skylines - Airports
Cities: Skylines - Campus
Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Bridges & Piers
Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Sports Venues
Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Train Stations
Cities: Skylines - Plazas & Promenades
Cities: Skylines - Sunset Harbor
Endless Legend DLCs (except soundtrack)
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Beyond the Baltic Sea
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Road to the Black Sea
Graveyard Keeper - Stranger Sins
RimWorld - Biotech
RimWorld - Royalty
Turmoil - The Heat Is On
Two Point Hospital DLCs
I play occasionally for a few hours, and have considerable backlog. So, I may not want to trade for low priority games. Thank you for understanding.
I am only looking for games to expand my Steam library and DON'T want to trade for gems, cards, CS:GO/TF2 keys or money.