might do bundle games but i would want more than 1 game

will take

1 key

6 ref

22 cards

or a gift of something

1 decade ago*

currently the only thing from there i liked

valley without wind 1 +10 cards
2 copy bindings of isaac gift

1 decade ago

Youre dreaming mate. This game was on sale 6 days ago, and would be lucky if someone would even pay 1 key. My offer is A Valley Without Wind 1 + 2 as theyre in the same key.

1 decade ago

i dont see where the hostility came from but whatever

i have seen this game sell for a key in a couple threads now so i really dont think thats asking too much

not interested in just that key sorry, have a nice day though

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.