As the title says, I have around 60 keys, which I'm now selling for Paypal cash, I'd like you guys to have a good amount of rep, and when buying the following rules will be applied.

  1. You go first. (Or, If you have waay high rep, I might go first.
  2. When you do the payment, I want you to write the following in the message "This is a payment for a virutal item, I will not chargeback under any circumstances."
  3. You pay the fees, of course.
  4. That's basically it, thanks alot guys :) (Also, be VERIFIED, if possible.)

Have fun trading :D
P.S Please write, and then add, directly if you wish :)

9 years ago

Update: No keys at the moment, will trade them over soon. Please add, and I'll reply as soon as I have the keys.

9 years ago

Update: Keys in stock, 38 left.

9 years ago

Thanks for the trade, i bought 10 keys :)

9 years ago

added :) will take remaining keys :)

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.