Hello everyone, I have some flexible deals for you! the card collector/Trader. It's simple, you can get any card from me if you follow these basic rules.

My cards:http://steamcommunity.com/id/earrgames/inventory/

  • If you want any card from mine offer me a 1:1 if your card is at least 3 cents more expensive than mine.
  • We can trade 2:3 if the total value of your 3 cards are at least 6 cents greater than the total value of 2 from mine.
  • If none of the above applies follow this formula:


  • x$ or y$: total value of all the cards from mine or yours
  • xA: my amount of cards
  • yA: your amount of cards

--------> xA:yA I'll trade if((y$-x$)>=xA*3) [in cents]

What the heck does that means?[In case you didn't get it]
trade me any amount of cards of mine for any amount of cards from you, as long as the difference between the price of the total of your cards and total of mine is greater or equal than (3 cents multiplied by the amount of my cards).
you want 3 cards of mine and give me 4 cards of yours, so my cards worth 30 cents and yours 39, so 39-30=9 and 9>=3*3!

IMPORTANT! I don't have many cards for now, but I hope it to grow soon :)

Please use the TRADE LINK! :D, no need to ask, just offer.

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.