Need some cash/TF2 keys for Summer Sale, so selling my stock. ;)

I have these keys:

  • The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing | 2 TF2 keys | 3,5 Euro

  • Finding Teddy | 1 TF2 key | 1.7 Euro

  • Interstellar Marines: Spearhead Edition | 2 TF2 keys | 3,5 Euro

  • Beast Boxing Turbo | 1 TF2 key | 1,7 Euro

  • Ethan: Metheor Hunter | 1 TF 2 key | 1,7 Euro

  • Grimind | 1 TF 2 key| 1,7 Euro

  • Poof | 1 TF 2 key | 1,7 Euro

  • Truck Racer | 1 TF 2 key | 1,7 Euro

  • Gravi | 1 TF 2 key | 1,7 Euro

  • Angvik - 1 TF 2 key | 1,7 Euro

Aaaaaand these steamgifts:

  • Aerena - Clash of Champions | 1 TF 2 Key | 1,7 Euro

  • Takedown: Red Sabre | 1 TF 2 Key | 1,7 Euro

  • Darksiders II: Abyssal Forge DLC | 1 TF 2 Key | 1,7 Euro

I am interested ONLY in the keys/paypal. I have over 900 games on Steam, so don't bother offering me those, lol.

1 decade ago

Closed 9 years ago.