I have...

6 Mann. Co Crate Keys

I want...

Starscape (Indian Steam store)


I'm not an Indian, i want to gift this game to a friend from India but my regional price differs from India's one so i can't do it myself :( Quite cheap, 349 rupees is around 5 USD. In exchange, i offer 6 TF2 Mann Co. Keys: https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/440/Mann%20Co.%20Supply%20Crate%20Key

You'll have add me and then my friend, gift him the game and then tell him to send me a PM with confirmation that he received the game from you (or you just tell me that you sent it, then i myself will ask him whether the gift is received, it's your choice, not mine). Then you send me an inventory item exchange offer (my inventory and profile are always open).

I'll send you keys first for the gift if you have at least 5 positive reviews, none negative, and 500 games on your account (your profile must be open).

However, if it's game activation key, not Steam store purchase, you'll have to give the game key first.

Your profile is closed = no deal between us.

You don't speak English and use Google translate or smth = no deal between us.

Whoever can help and is OK with the offer, make a comment here and add me on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/proletar666/

5 years ago*

Curious... why not just send him the tf2 keys so he can buy it himself?

5 years ago

I want to troll an old pal :p He'll probably hate the game. I wanted to gift Uriel's Chasm to him, but i decided it would be too cruel.

5 years ago

Ah okay lol, well not from India myself so can't help sorry. Good luck with your search though!

5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago.