zeusimov posted a really neat guide here in this forum, and all credit for that goes to him:

Apparently, the ClassIDs have changed.
168230920 -> 170672212
168230921 -> 170672204
168230922 -> 170672206
168230923 -> 170672211
168230924 -> 170672207
168230926 -> 170672203
168230927 -> 170672205
168230928 -> 170672213
168230929 -> 170672209
168230930 -> 170672214

I have dupes of 12, 04 and 14, and am looking for 07, 13 or 09. One card per trade, only looking for Mystery Cards.

Thanks for looking, please add me if interested. I'll be on all day tomorrow. ^_^

1 decade ago*


1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.