I have...

BTA 1 without DS.

8 years ago*

How many TF2 keys do you have in mind?

8 years ago

how many you want? Anyway i want bta 1 without ds

8 years ago

I could do it for 4. Less than that wouldn't be worth it for me.

8 years ago

in the past i bought those kind of bundle for around 3 keys..maybe if i give 4 and i get back 0.5 key?

8 years ago

I understand your position, but keys are not as useful to me as they used to be and I wouldn't have 0.5 to give back anyway.

No problem, really, take the free bump and maybe someone will have a better price! 3 keys is unlikely though, there's a guy selling for 5 but that's way too much.

8 years ago

anyway i added you to talk

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.