is sanctum including his DLC also? (I've bought IndieRoyale 1 too and they added DLC into that)
It's NOT including the three DLCs IndieRoyale added for Sanctum (Violator DLC, Killing Floor DLC, Penetrator DLC) because these were all seperate keys and I didn't have them yet, so I used them. So it's only Sanctum without any DLC. I'll add that in the description, thanks for noticing.
Dead Island key or tradable in Steam? 'cause I've read a lot about bad Dead Island keys. If it's tradable in Steam, you've got a deal.
If it is tradeable that's bad trade for me, it's a key and that's totally normal, mine works month with no problem. (Got some of them)
No way then, please read:
"Do not attempt to trade what we consider exploited CD-keys (Serious Sam: Double D, Dead Island, Bulletstorm, Homefront Shotgun DLC, AI War, Portal 2, Dirt 3, Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Multiplayer, Eets, etc)."
These rules are there for a reason and that reason is that there are a lot of illegitimate keys of Dead Island floating around.
Thank you for the offer, but I already own Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter.
I got all of that, except King Arthur, what King Arthur game exactly? There is so much King Arthur stuff on Steam nowadays ;). And of course: What would you want for it?
Edit: I might be interested in Portal 2, although I already own it myself, to give it as a suprise gift to a friend, who doesn't have it yet. So what would you want for that either?
Bump, I'm especially interested in Worms Reloaded and Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes.
Don't trade for keys, you can never be sure if those keys are activated or not.
You should be careful with trading keys, that's true. Just read MegaRobot's tips regarding a safe trade which you can find here: (search for "How to Trade - the safe way* (work in progress)". And perhaps take a look at his scammer-blacklist-thread:
And you should be extra careful with keys for games which had a lot of keys stolen in the past (esp. Dead Island). They are listed in the site rules here:
But if you are careful, there's no reason to completely avoid key-trading. There are a lot of legit keys out there. And as you can see a few posts above I already traded Megarobot one of my keys smoothly.
I already have it, but might use it as a surprise gift it to a friend who still doesn't. Is it tradeable and uncut, i.e. not the german version? And what would you want for it?
No, there are so many illegitimate keys of Dead Island floating around at the moment. I won't touch them. And a short look on your steam profile does nothing to awake any trust.
Hello. Cogs (tradable gift) for one of: Eufloria, Eets (prefer), Gish (2nd prefer)
That's a bit light ;), anything else you have or something small you could add?
I still have my Puzzle Agent 2 - did you add me yesterday? -
Eufloria, Ben There, Dan That! and Time Gentlemen, Please! and 50% OFF Call of Duty: Black Ops are still there.
coupon 10% off Bethesda (combinable with Midweek Madness 33% off Skyrim)
The Lugermorph, Mercenary, Iron Curtain, License to Maim, Dangeresque, Too? (all of these would need a gift wrap too)
The Original, Bloke's Bucket Hat, The Bazaar Bargain, The Cow Mangler 5000, Axtinguisher, The Quick-Fix, The Solemn Vow, The Short Circuit, The Soda Popper, The Family Business, Darwin's Danger Shield (2x), The Persian Persuader, The Sandman, The Sydney Sleeper
useful coupon 50% OFF Call of Duty: Black Ops
meh coupons 10% OFF GSC Games, 33% OFF Valve
[W] Games, e.g.
Worms Reloaded
Worms Ultimate Mayhem
Titan Attacks
Mortal Kombat Kollection
Shank 2
Evochron Mercenary
PixelJunk Eden
SOL: Exodus
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon
Renegade Ops
Payday The Heist
Trine 2
From Dust
Costume Quest
Duke Nukem Forever
DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue
The Baconing
L.A. Noire
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Bulletstorm (uncut)
Empire & Napoleon Total War - Game of the Year Edition
Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor
Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity
Space Rangers 2: Reboot
Quake IV
Saints Row: The Third
Alice: Madness Returns
Serious Sam 3: BFE
Sonic Generations
Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition
Grotesque Tactics 2 – Dungeons and Donuts
Fallout: New Vegas (uncut)
Mass Effect 2
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition
maybe Left 4 Dead 2 ( L4D2 ) or Portal 2 to use them as a surprise gift for a friend, who doesn't have them yet
Already have, don't want:
Total War: SHOGUN 2
AaaaAAAAA for the Awesome
Space Pirates and Zombies
Demolition Inc
Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter, Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter
Atom Zombie Smasher
Space Chem
Frozen Synapse
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Puzzle Agent 2
Everything from all Humble Indie-, IndieRoyale- and IndieGala-Bundles