I made the "want" list to let people know what i want, that excludes both Gems and ToD!
You could have made that disambiguation in your thread.
And I don't like your attitude - trust me, you won't make 1 trade with such a negative attitude toward people...
I made my list very clear, if you don't understand, that's your problem.
I don't care if you like my attitude or not, i made thousands of trades and i still do. Your opinion doesn't matter!!!
That's my way of doing it, if you don't like it, it doesn't mean is not good. And to be concise to your reply, there is no negative attitude in my answer, it's a simple objective answer, straight to the point!
Hi i'm interested on Eidos Anthology and Red Faction complete bundle
Here is my list
I can't check your list, i'm only interested in the games from my list or csgo/tf2 keys
Any of these interest you for Euro Truck 2? Party Hard, Saints Row 2, VoiceBot, Forged Battalion, Oxenfree, or Sudden Strike 4, Running with Rifles, NBA Playgrounds
I'm not gonna check your list, i'm only interested in the games from WANT section or csgo/tf2 keys
What is ets2 deluxe bundle? I do not know if you are interested in american truck simulator
An unique bundle with many dlc's. You can check in my inv. American truck simulator is a bundled game that is almost free. This pack is an exclusive one, for collectors.
Hi, I have a Passpartout: The Starving Artist code and want a 5$ Steam Gift Card, would that be okay with you?
Interested in Driver: San Francisco. Something here: you'd be willing to trade for?
what contains the deluxe bundle of euro truck ?
interested in the witcher 2 and State of Decay
Hey, i want the State of Decay (Not YOUSE),
Can give: Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, Garry's mod, RE4 HD, or any other game/item in 0~2.5€ range
All together don't worth as much as State of Decay, lol. Please don't come to people topics to waste time
I'm looking for base game NOT YOUSE edition, because I believe it can be cheap. Currently State of Decay 1 only sells the version of YOUSE that is remastered and has all the dlc. I do not think it's easy to get good trade in the original base version :/
Give me your approximate value for this version if you still do not think this is enough
Acept games via serial key ativaction? I can offer Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Ultimate Edition
This is a 2$ bundled game, it doesn't worth can check my Want list here in the topic, those are the only things i accept!
and BTW, the standard edition worth much more because it's not available to buy anymore anything for Remember Me?
I won't check your list. If anything from what i've asked in the topic is there, we can have a deal
something here for the phantom pain?
No, but i can offer gems for Batman, Brothers and Lego Lord of the Rings. How much for each ?
Anything here for Chivalry: Medieval Warfare and State of Decay?
I won't check your list. If anything from what i've asked in the topic is there, we can have a deal
Here's my list
Trade for ❌ [offer your options]
I won't check your list. If anything from what I've asked in the topic is there, we may have a deal
[H] Call of Duty Black Ops 4 [W] State of Decay 2 /steamwallet / DotA Arcanas / CS:GO Knife / Offers / Anthem / Battlefield 5 / spellforce 3 + dlcs or other / Pillars of eternity 2 + dlcs or others
-Street Fighter X Tekken
-The Red Solstice
For The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition?
Hi! I'm interested in: The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition
Here's my list
👽 [any trade offers]
I won't check your list. If anything from what I've asked in the topic is there, we may have a deal
Hi! Check my list, I wanna some stuff from your list. Send me msg to my steam Huntreded (/id/huntreded)
I won't check your list. If anything from what I've asked in the topic is there, we may have a deal
Hi, I wanna Euro Truck Simulator. Check my list
Anything here for Chivalry: Medieval Warfare?
I won't check your list. If anything from what I've asked in the topic is there, we may have a deal
Hi, I found some games from your list and wanna trade. I'll make offer after you find something interesting for you in my topics:
500+ Steam Keys Cheap and Expensive
PayPal for keys
Project Zomboid
Add me to Steam
I won't check your lists. If anything from what I've asked in the topic is there, we may have a deal
hello I can give you 4 tf2 keys for Saints Row Ultimate Franchise Pack,2 keys for Darksiders Franchise Pack,Eidos Anthology for 6 keys
anything from my list to trade with Euro Truck Simulator 2 ? (you can choose more than one game in case that the choosed games are cheaper or more common)
Hi, still interested in Black Ops 4 ?
anything here:
for state of decay
I won't check your list. If anything from what I've asked in the topic is there, we may have a deal
Price for all - 200 keys
Price for all - 200 keys
Trade link : Here