A user going by the Name M0RG@N tried to scam me, http://steamcommunity.com/id/Traideeer0. That is his actual Steam, this is what he sent me as his Rep http://www.steamtrades.com/user/a178. This was Obviously not him, based on this M0RG@N not being my friend and Profile was not private. I have added the real M0RG@N and will alert him there is a Individual pretending to be him.

1 decade ago*

actually there are a lot of threads about this. And this isn't his only account. Over the past week, he has scammed a few dozen players out of thousands of dollars of games, which I am assuming he will end up selling on paypal in a month or two.

1 decade ago

It's the same guy? Damn. I really feel bad for people he has scammed. I hope people figure him out so he can't scam anybody else.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.