I have...


I want...

Ori and the Blind Forest Definitive Edition

The game was 5 EUR/$ if you owned the original. I can go a bit higher, but don't expect 15 EUR or more.
Post your offers here :)

8 years ago

I have the original one, and at the moment I can only buy the game for me, not as gift. If this situation changes in a few hours I will contact you.

8 years ago

Unfortunately it will not change. You had to stock up on gifts, because the devs disabled gifting shortly after release.

8 years ago

12€, add me if you are interested.

8 years ago

Ugh, no thanks. The game was 5$/EUR for owners of the original edition. While I can't ask anyone to give me their gift copy for that price, 12 EUR looks greedy to me. It's more than twice of the original price, and I feel that on Summer Sale, they will discount it for at least 50%. If you can go under 10 EUR, then maybe we can do a deal, otherwise good luck for selling it at that price :)

8 years ago

I see your point, but turns out that there are very few gift copies around (I only own one), and at this moment I'd say that you can't even get the original Ori for 12€. This gift includes both the original and the new edition, and until summer sale it won't be on sale I think, and even then we'll see if it gets %50 (only the new edition is for sale now). So I feel that my copy is valuable for now.

8 years ago

Impossible. I'm owner of the normal edition and I only can buy the DE for 5 EUR for myself

8 years ago

You had the chance to buy gift copies for a limited time (1 hour or less), but then the devs saw that people can get cheap copies this way, so they disabled gifting entirely.

8 years ago

Are u sure? I'd swear that I get my copy within the first hour it released and steam only showed me the option to buy for myself :S

If it was like u say, good luck finding it mate.

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.