I have keys you give first.
I have rep don't add me if you don't want to trade.
Scammer no chance i don't give first.

[H]Sims 3,Crysis 2 Max,Moh 2010,Dead Space,Dead Space 3,

1 decade ago*

How many cards for sims 3 + dlcs ?

1 decade ago

cards don't interest me.

1 decade ago

God forbid you get scammed out of your almost 5 bucks worth of games. This game is 66% off right now and this trade still wouldn't be worth it.

1 decade ago

iTriggered if you don't interest on this games post you thread full.
Your opinion don't interest me.
That are nice games and yes that are games from hib.You can buy the games from steam and you must pay a lot.And Sniper Nazi Zombie is a cheap game cheaper than crysis or moh read and watch prices before you post stupid command.
Or i post your threads full.

1 decade ago

What is grammar...

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.