I have...

Falchion-, Vanguard-, Winter-, CS:GO Case Key

I want...

any other CSGO key
(eSports, Phoenix, Breakout, Huntsman, Chroma, Chroma 2, Shadow)

As in title I want to swap some CSGO key.
Falchion-, Vanguard-, Winter-, CS:GO Case Key for any other.
Just send me trade offer, don't add me pls.
Trade offer link: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=172511891&token=QQIN8R7F

8 years ago

Accept paypal?

8 years ago

First: Where you read something about key selling?
Second: You have -1 rep with reason, so don't try to scam me.

8 years ago*

I have only asked, you don't need to be such an asshole

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.