Ok here's what I've got.


Amnesia [Tradeable]
Dungeon Defenders [Tradeable]
Killing Floor [Tradeable]
Droplitz [Tradeable]
Mount & Blade: With Fire and Sword [Code only, non-tradeable]
Europa Universalis III Complete [Code only, non-tradeable]
Sword of the Stars Original Complete Collection [Code only, non-tradeable]


LA Noire
Anno 2070
Saints Row 3
Modern Warfare 3

Codes can be registered for Gamersgate or Steam. I would be willing to trade a bunch of games of equal or possibly higher value for one of the ones I've listed. I only want the actual games, doesn't matter if they're tradeable or just gifted to my account.

If you're interested, Reply here.

1 decade ago*

w killing floor, do you need anything from here? http://steamcommunity.com/id/maross80/inventory (add me)

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.
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