I have...

Half on DLC Bundle (for Wii U)
DKC Tropical Freeze 3D eShop code
Mewtwo Smash 3DS code (will need to be verified as I'm not sure if I've given it already)
Flipnote Stuido 3D Club Nintendo code

I want...

Other half on DLC Bundle (for Nintendo 3DS)
Offers for the rest

So here's the skinny. If you buy the Smash 4 DLC Bundle 2 it costs about $22 for one system or about $30 for both. I'm looking for a trusting person to go halfsies so that we can both get all the content for one system for $15. If you have $15, I can add it to my money and buy it from my Wii U. When you buy the two-system bundle from one system, your receipt includes codes to download the content on the other platform.

We can both save $7 and get all the content (characters, stages, Mii outfits).

Alternately, if you offer $30 in eShop credit, I'll give you your half, plus DKC Returns, Mewtwo and Flipnote Studio.

If interested, add me on Steam, post here, make it public so you can feel confident you're not getting scammed. My anti-scam protection is that if you try anything Nintendo will take your content as well as mine.


8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.