I have...

Skyrim retail key (base game, no DLC)

I want...

1 tf2 key 3 ref

as stated in the title, i have a skyrim key i bought a while back and am looking for 1 tf2 key and 3 ref
for obvious reasons the lowest rep user goes first
if you're interested in the trade add me on steam and we can go on from there

9 years ago*

Would you accept some cards instead of refs? Or I could do 1 CSGO key instead of TF2+ref.

9 years ago

sure i can do the csgo key instead, but i can't lower the price more than what it is. i'll be happy to do the trade if i can later trade the csgo key for 1 tf2 3 ref

9 years ago

Do you still have it?

9 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.