I want...

Im looking for any Duplicates that you don't need and or want to get rid of.

These could be:

  • In game items
  • Chat Icons
  • Backgrounds
  • Retail Keys
  • Trading Cards

Literally anything

Open to every Trade!

Add me on Steam!

Thank you!

7 years ago


This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

"So you are asking for people to give you free stuff?"
Please point out to me where I wrote that I want free items? Maybe I am just blind, but its probably you that just lacks a huge amount of brain cells...

I clearly stated saying "Open to every Trade!" meaning that I want to trade for peoples duplicates if they don't seem to make any use of them. I never asked or "begged" anyone for free items.

Please just kindly fuck off if you cannot read English and make stupid assumptions that are not true.

6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.