I have...

General Trade Disclaimers

I want...

You to read them, please.

In order to save space in my regular trading posts,
I've decided to create a separate post where I drop all my disclaimers.

Make sure you check them out every time before we trade.

Last update: 10th of October 2021.

1. First:

Make sure you check who you're dealing with. (check multiple times, just to be sure)

  • This is my only account. I do not have any other account and will never use any other account.
    I'm level 80+ on my Steam profile, with "10+ years of service" badge, more than 690+ games.
    My account will NEVER be hidden in any way. My profile will always be PUBLIC with all information shared.
    https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198019571893/ -> The SteamID64: 76561198019571893 will never change.
    I try to maintain a custom profile. I will never use a basic profile or unanimated avatar.

2. Who goes first in a trade:

  • Please take your time to review my trading rep. I got mine fairly, over a long period of time (over 8+ years).
  • I am generally expecting you to go first in the trade, unless you have a stellar trading history.
  • There is no rush when I do trades. If you're in a hurry, you need to either slow down a bit or look for another seller.
  • If we are exchanging games, DO NOT rush and send me your products immediately after adding me. That's NOT how you do a trade. It is considered customary in trading to ask for a final confirmation before engaging in the exchange.
  • I'd rather not deal with toxic people at all.
    If you're preparing some argument towards me about something, I'd be better off if you'd skip trading with me altogether.
  • I reserve the right to refuse to trade with someone (if I detect toxic or scammy attitude).

3. MOST Important

  • You will be receiving your product(/s) in the form of CD-KEY(/s). You can redeem it(/them) here, after you've logged into your Steam Account in your local browser.

  • After we trade, I'm expecting you to immediately redeem/activate any products that were handed to you in order to avoid any unexpected events which are out of my control (f.e. : HB-Monthly June 2019, but not limited to that case).

  • If you decide not to claim the game(s) on the spot (for purposes like reselling), you are free to do so, however, you will do it at your own risk and liability!

  • I am considering the trade successfully completed and sealed, immediately after the exchange.

  • I do believe in working for a solution (in good faith) when situations dictate it, however, I am not responsible for the loss of products if you didn't follow these steps exactly.

4. General Disclaimers

  • I'm not a reseller, I trade my own bundled games that I'm not interested in activating (or already own) and use the funds to buy other games that I want.

  • I don't do this for a living. I try to set the prices fairly from the start. After that, they'll probably stay that way for a long while (or even grow in time). Sometimes I might add slightly more to the price of certain games if I feel that they are valuable, but everything in reasonable amounts. While the overall value of games might fluctuate on the market, I will rarely update prices. Live updating prices on these small games would be a waste of time.

  • The games that I trade are mainly obtained from official retailers and represent leftovers from bundles that I've purchased. I can guarantee they work because I have bought them myself.

  • I'm expecting you to never offer me keys acquired from key shops or won giveaways when game swapping. I will return the favor.

  • I am not really open to haggling for individual products. I might, however, be flexible if you want to Buy in Bulk.

5. Payment info

Steam Wallet (my preferred payment method):

I can accept Steam Wallet through:

  • the Steam Market transfer method, at the price listed (the price is listed in Euro €, but you can pay in your local currency if you want. it will use your wallet funds), or

  • the trading of marketable items (of a value no less than 1$ per item, with the exception of 1 item to pay differences/or for under 1$ trades). ALL the items will be valued at their highest current buyout value at the moment of the trade.

If you have any concerns about all these, feel free to ask me.

Paypal (common issues):

  • When sending money via Paypal, you have the option to pay in either USD or EURO currency, via F&F (Personal), but please pay attention to our agreement. I'm expecting no hardships.

  • If you fail to send the funds properly for some reason, I might return them to you in full and our deal will automatically be off the table.

  • ANY fees that have went into sending the payment will be on YOU, for not paying attention. I do not accept any liability for fees in case of refunds or bad transfers.

  • When something goes wrong and I feel that is due to suspicious behavior, I reserve the right to just refund your money back in full and we go our separate ways. I will be returning only the amount I've received, without covering any fees that went into you sending the money and having it sent back to you.

  • At the end of the day, we're dealing with miniscule sums of money, so I expect buyers to pay attention in order to maximize the value of these trades, for both of us. If the buyer can't be bothered to pay attention when paying, then he should cover the entire cost that has arisen due to their own lack of attention. (cover the differences and refund fees)

Thank you for reading!

4 years ago*

Closed 4 years ago.