I have...

Dying Light||Ultimate Edition||season pass - 28 tf2 +something/ 27 cs:go(or 26.5)||39 keys+ something /37.5 cs:go(or 37)|| 11+something/ 10+something
The Witcher® 3: Wild Hunt- 28 tf2 keys +something/ 27 cs:go keys(or 26.5)
Batman: Arkham Knight- 27 keys
DayZ Standalone- 15.5 tf2 keys/ 15 cs:go keys
Arma 3||Digital deluxe edition||DLC- Regular price with no sale, if you want that ask me for a price bellow.
The Talos Principle- 11 tf 2 keys/ 10 cs:go keys
Life is Feudal: Your Own(regular price)- 17 tf 2 keys/ 16 cs:go keys
Rust||4 pack (I could sell 4-pack, but valve fixed it)- 8 tf2 keys/ 7.5 cs:go keys

Games on sale till 30 march;
Alien: Isolation - Season Pass- 7 tf2 keys/ 6.5 cs:go keys
Arma 3- 12 tf2 keys/11 cs:go keys
Arma 3 - Digital Deluxe Edition- 13.5 tf2 keys/12.5 cs:go keys
Arma 3 - Extended Edition- 16 tf2 keys/15 cs:go keys
SEGA Super Bundle- 36.5 tf2 keys/34 cs:go keys
Total War Grand Master Collection- 18.5 tf2 keys/17 cs:go keys
Company of Heroes Complete Pack- 3.5 tf2 keys/3.5 cs:go keys
ompany of Heroes Franchise Edition- 11 tf2 keys/10 cs:go keys
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Master Collection- 4 tf2 keys/4 cs:go keys
Dawn of War Franchise Pack- 14.5 tf2 keys/13.5 cs:go keys
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Collection- 6 tf2 keys/5.5 cs:go keys

Special deal on Life is Feudal: Your Own;
Life is Feudal: Your Own- 10.5 tf2 keys/10 cs:go keys
Life is Feudal: Your Own (4-pack)- 29 tf2 keys/27 cs:go keys
you get 3 copys cheaper, if you want 3 copys!!!

I want...

tf2 (team fortress 2) keys
cs:go(counter strike:global offensive) keys(the price of how many keys for games depends on market price on the key)
dota 2 keys
Offer, as the prices may differ and I haven't added prices for dota 2 keys and Sack of Gems.
I accept items too.

All steam gifts, ROW.
if you buy with cs:go keys, i can go lower depending on keys.
if you want to buy with dota 2 keys, ask below and what game, and I will give you price.
If you don't understand what i have written here ask bellow.

9 years ago*

arma 3 for 11,5 tf2 keys?

9 years ago

I want to profit something from this, not loose money...

9 years ago


This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago*

Games on sale till 30 march;
it's 4 april....

9 years ago

This trade may seem a bit odd, but would you be willing to trade the Dying Light Ultimate Edition for all of the games below?

Orion Prelude
Galcon Fusion
Legend of Grimrock
Crusader Kings II (w/ three unit packs)
Cubemen 2
Dominique Pamplemousse
Magicka: Wizard Wars
Shank 2
The Chaos Engine

Total the games are all worth a little over $110, so I figured it would be a fair trade. Let me know if you are interested!

9 years ago

The trade isn't odd, it's just simply stupid. No one pays the full price of a game.....110 $??? more like 10 $ max.

9 years ago

bruh u want 15 keys for dayz why should I buy it myself for cheaper?

9 years ago

you do understand, that you're dumb??? you do understand that a guy in the same region, can buy the game same price as you, or even higher, because you live in a cheaper region for this game? And i haven't fixed the price for the price up of keys.

9 years ago

Why am I dumb, how can I know that u didnt fix the key prices, do I need to smell that?

9 years ago

The dumb part was about the price of the game.... If we live in the same region, then the price of the game is the same....
"you do understand that a guy in the same region, can buy the game same price as you, or even higher, because you live in a cheaper region for this game?"
Read the last sentence and just reply, real smart.
The key price was just a side note of the price maybe being too much, because of the key price going up...

9 years ago*

Closed 9 years ago.